Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Venice, Italy

Canals of Venice
   Im in Venice, Italy right now and I've been here since the 14th..and am planning to stay until the 19th. So far it's great..I'm staying in the old part of Venice, about a 5 minute walk from San Marco Plaza, at a decently cheap hostel.

   I've visited the Dali museum here (which strangely resembled the Dali museum in Paris), the Peggy Guggenheim Collection (I got to see original Jackson Pollack, Joan Miro, Picasso, and Max Ernst paintings) walked through the streets shopping for fine leather goods and Venetian masks, and of course I've basically been into every church I come across.

I'm only here a couple more days so I'll try to fit in more and post as I go..
Church top
Venetian Mask

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